

The growth of cancerous cells in the lining of the colon or large intestine, 或者直肠被称为结直肠癌. 结直肠癌是结肠或直肠的一组癌症,因为它们具有相似的特征.

异常细胞生长, 称为息肉, 发生于结肠或直肠, 尽管所有息肉都是恶性的, many of them can turn cancerous with time, 这取决于息肉的类型.

保护你的结肠健康. 利用我们的筛选套餐! 

Consultation with one of our primary care doctors + 


March is 结肠直肠癌 Awareness Month, 迪拜美国医院除了向我们的一位初级保健og体育平台咨询外,还提供FIT试剂盒,以强调筛查结直肠癌的重要性.

Be proactive about your colorectal health this March.


粪便免疫化学试验(FIT)是一种非常有效的结肠癌早期筛查试验. The FIT detects blood in the stool that is not visible, and blood in the stool is a warning sign of colon cancer. Not realizing it in time can delay treatment and increase complications.


Where is the colorectal region in our anatomy?

结肠(大肠)和直肠是我们消化系统或胃肠道的一部分. 结肠是大肠的重要组成部分,大约5英尺长. 它的作用是处理从小肠接收的部分消化的食物, 把水和营养物分开, and direct the solid waste towards the rectum, which stores it and pushes it as stool through the anus during bowel movements.


There are many factors leading to colorectal cancer. 要记住的关键一点是,研究还没有找到导致结直肠区域细胞癌变的决定性原因. Still, several triggers promote the development of colorectal cancer.

Here are some of the leading causes of this cancer:

低纤维饮食: 结肠的健康很大程度上依赖于固体废物定期进入直肠并排出体外. 如果食物垃圾不断地在移动中被身体清除,结肠的生物圈就会保持健康. 缺乏纤维的饮食会导致便秘,并对结肠环境造成压力. It's like having unwanted guests who won't leave.

Saturated fats, animal-protein-rich diet: These diets lack fiber and consequently impact the colon's ability to cleanse.

酒精和吸烟 irritate the tissues of the organs that process them, including the colon. Excessive exposure of the colon to alcohol, 尼古丁, and chemicals leads to stressed cell behavior, 会导致癌变.

缺乏体力活动: Lack of exercise, walking and staying active can affect colon health. 如何? 原因很简单:运动能刺激肠道,促进肠道进程, increasing blood flow to the digestive system, 包括结肠和直肠吗. 记住,这两个器官是我们的冲洗系统,对保持身体内部清洁至关重要. A sedentary lifestyle makes the colon sluggish, leading to problems.

肥胖: 研究表明,内脏或腹部脂肪过多会导致结肠癌的发生.

炎症性肠病: 慢性胃肠道炎症会引发大肠的癌变行为.

2型糖尿病: 研究表明,2型糖尿病og体育平台的高胰岛素血症或高胰岛素水平和游离胰岛素样生长因子(IGF-1)可以促进结肠细胞繁殖, 导致癌症. Research suggests that high IGF-1 levels are generally cancer-causing.

基因突变: 几种与癌症相关的遗传基因突变会导致结肠癌的易感性, 如家族性腺瘤性息肉病和Lynch综合征(遗传性非息肉性结直肠癌). 如何ever, people with no family history can develop colon cancer.

息肉结肠或直肠的息肉大多数息肉或细胞增生不会癌变,但有些会随着时间的推移而癌变. It is essential to undergo routine screenings for colorectal polyps.


According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer worldwide. It is the 3rd most common cancer in men and the 2nd most common cancer in women. 到2020年,这一数字超过了1.900万结直肠癌新病例.

What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer?



  • 排便习惯的改变: If you experience a drastic difference in your bowel habits, be alert.
  • 大便稠度改变: If there is a marked and ongoing change, you must consult your doctor.
  • 便血.
  • Regular abdominal cramps, gas, bloating or pain.
  • 意外减肥.
  • 无故呕吐.


迪拜美国医院 has state-of-the-art facilities, 包括先进的, in-house laboratory to diagnose colorectal cancer. 我们熟练的专家团队, oncologists and radiation experts work to provide the best, most accurate diagnosis with efficiency and personalized care.

The following are the diagnostic methods to detect colorectal cancer:

  • 结肠镜检查 is the frontline diagnostic test to detect colorectal cancer. 内窥镜, a flexible tube fitted with a tiny camera lens and a light at one end, is inserted through the rectum to check the colorectal area for cancerous growth. 活检可以同时进行,从可疑部位取出组织样本进行实验室分析.
  • 血液测试.
  • CT扫描/MRI/PET扫描: These imaging tests are done to check the cancer's progress.
  • 经直肠超声, is used to determine the stage of rectal cancer.

What are the treatments for colorectal cancer?

一个发展方向, 跨部门团队带领迪拜美国医院治疗结直肠癌提供最佳治疗. 我们提供全面的护理,由我们的多学科外科og体育平台团队进行全面的评估和治疗选择, 化疗, 放射治疗, 个性化医疗.

Our team will determine treatment based on the following factors:

  • 结直肠癌的类型和分期.
  • 病人's health condition and medical history.
  • og体育平台的期望和偏好.

The following are the main treatments for colorectal cancer:

手术(早期癌症))如果癌症在最初阶段就被发现,结肠镜检查是非常有效的. The cancerous tissue and a small portion of surrounding tissue are removed.

腹腔镜手术: This minimally invasive surgery removes polyps that a colonoscopy cannot tackle. 在腹部做一个小切口,通过这些小切口,带摄像头的仪器帮助外科og体育平台切除癌变的部分.

部分结肠切除术: This procedure is done in the advanced stages of colorectal cancer. 外科og体育平台切除受癌症影响的部分,并通过腹腔镜将其两端重新连接起来. Suppose the cancerous colon portion is large, and the ends cannot be reconnected; in that case, 外科og体育平台在腹壁上开一个口,帮助粪便排出到覆盖在开口上的外袋中. 它被称为结肠造口术,根据结肠的愈合情况,可能是暂时的,也可能是永久性的.

放射治疗: High-energy rays target cancer cells to thwart or kill their growth. This treatment can be delivered outside the body or from within, 但如果结肠或直肠严重受损,通常不进行外部放射治疗. 内部辐射通过血液将放射性物质输送到癌细胞中.

免疫疗法: 癌症og体育平台的免疫系统通过先进的方法来攻击欺骗免疫系统并逃避检测的癌细胞,从而与疾病作斗争.

靶向癌症治疗: This treatment uses drugs that hamper the molecular behavior of cancer cells, 阻止癌症生长.



There are several ways to improve colorectal health. 生活方式的改变和健康的饮食习惯可以显著降低结直肠癌的风险.

  • 吃富含纤维的健康饮食: The colon and rectum are our cleaning agents; they help our body remain free of waste, so eat a fiber-rich diet to bulk up stools, which will help your colon and rectum move out waste faster.
  • 水合物每天至少喝6-7杯水可以让你的身体系统正常运转,防止便秘. It helps waste move smoothly through the colorectal area and exit regularly.
  • 锻炼: An active lifestyle helps oxygenate blood and keep organs healthy. 迟钝的结肠是废物分解、炎症和疾病的滋生地. 锻炼 helps the colon do its job well as its muscles are rejuvenated and active. Remember how our elders always went for a morning walk to promote bowel movement?
  • 避免饮酒和吸烟.
  • Regular screenings for colorectal health: If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, 45岁以后要定期做检查,检查结肠或直肠是否有不寻常的发展. 筛查是一项巨大的预防措施,有助于在癌前阶段发现问题.

